Vor einigen Monaten hatten NINE INCH NAILS dazu aufgerufen "Fan-Remixe" für eine Open Source Remix-CD einzureichen und fast 200 Leute folgten diesem Aufruf. Jetzt stehen die "Gewinner" fest und das 21 Tracks umfassende Album kann per BitTorrent kostenlos heruntergeladen werden.
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Das Cover-Artwork kann man ebenfalls in Hoher Auflösung herunterladen, der Download steht zur Zeit allerdings wegen Kapazitätsproblemen des Anbieters nur zeitweise zur Verfügung und zwar HIER!
1. "Everything Is Zero" remixed by Lithium Dawn
2. "Me, I’m Not (Withdrawal)" remixed by Dirty Scarab
3. "God Given (Resistance Mix)" remixed by DJ Brut
4. "Survivalism (Synth Death Mix)" remixed by Matt Whitbread
5. "Only (Dispyz Rmx)" remixed by Dispyz
6. "Survivalism (Terminated Mix)" remixed by erasemoi
7. "Me, I’m Not (Attvcks Remix)" remixed by Attvcks
8. "My Violent Heart (I Am The Pestilence)" remixed by Ewun
9. "Vessel (Losing Control Remix)" remixed by Pushing Reality
10. "Survivalism (Defy Mix)" remixed by Defy
11. "(Can’t Stop) Me I’m Not" remixed by Halo33
12. "Survivalism (Celebmix)" remixed by Celebutante
13. "Only (Kobold Remix)" remixed by Kobold
14. "God Given (Shattered Static Remix)" remixed by Sam Swiech
15. "Survivalism (Swamp Mix)" remixed by M J McLean
16. "My Violent Heart (Prevention; Rejection)" remixed by Dirty Scarab
17. "Me, I’m Not (Void Mix)" remixed by the:pawn.project
18. "The Beginning Of The End (CTV)" remixed by crashtv
19. "Survivalism (The Laudanum Remix)" remixed by laudanum
20. "Capital G (Streetlab Mix)" remixed by Streetlab
21. "Me, I’m Not (Virus That Is Me Mix)" remixed by Unknown Artist
Mehr Infos in englischer Sprache: 9inchnails.com