KarlHeinz (Skeletal Family) : Bohemien – Danze Pagane

KarlHeinz (Skeletal Family) : Bohemien - Danze Pagane
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Bohemien – Danze Pagane

KarlHeinz (Skeletal Family) : Bohemien - Danze Pagane

Author: Ian "KarlHeinz" "Spud" Taylor (Keyboards Skeletal Family)

Lets go back in time to 2004. Place: Agra Halle Leipzig. An Italian guy with very poor English approaches me. My Italian is even worse, we have an incomprehensible conversation. I gather the guy is in a band and a CD is pressed into my hand. Back at the hotel the CD is packed in my suitcase. Several days later back in the UK the CD is retreived from the suitcase and I pop it into my car CD player for the journey to work. From the opening bars of the first track "Danze Pagane" I know that this is something special.

Even with my limited knowledge of Italian I can make out enough to realise that this is more than a classic postpunk/deathrock CD. I have to make a detour to listen to the whole CD. I am late for work. Who cares. If anyone asks me why, I’ll wipe the smile off their faces with the blood from this joyous unholy sacrament. I get a sense of erotic atheism, of laughing in god’s face, of passionate irreverence. I could be totally wrong of course, what do I care! I’m not going to single out any particular track(s). I love them all.

Fast forward to the more recent past, Milan 2007. The Skels are on the same bill as Bohemien. Alex now speaks a bit more English and my understanding of Italian is better. Profuse thanks given. As a side note he had a terrible throat infection and could barely speak. Played a blinder of a set. need I say more?

Related Items: Skeletal Family Pictures, Live in Bochum (30.09.2007)

KarlHeinz (Skeletal Family) : Bohemien - Danze Pagane
