
Interview : MAY (english version)

We are constantly at every turn being warned about internet buddies and their dangers. Sometimes however people do get involved and are curious about the person hiding behind the internet identity. Why? Because Cold Wave is still an interesting topic and in this case we?re talking about a musician who really and truly knows his stuff. In the early 80s, the early years of Cold Wave, which was mainly practised by bands in France, even Monsieur May became infected by this music. With this music style electronic instruments such as drum computer or synthesizer are used much less than with guitar wave bands who work with synthesizers as well so as to sound cooler. So it was not surprising that even May became addicted to this world of minimal synthetics. After a ten-year break he began to write new songs again in 2007. They will be published in the summer of 2008 as ?Lovely Flowers?, together with some old tracks.

Where are you right now?

Hey ! I?m at my computer, trying to find good ideas for your answers,
Difficult ! I would like to be outdoor, to can feel better inspiration !

Is it day or night?

Day with a part of night or night with light?I try to stay long time in the middle !

What is your favourite time to work?

It?s not a question of time, just to find the moment to feel a way, a new way to investigate. But I try to make it not too late in night !

You began with your music in the middle of the 80s as the cold wave developed. What changed to your opinion since then?

I was young, I?m less now ! Seriously I think I did it at the beginning to find my way in music I felt and liked, to participate to what I thought important and out of time. I stopped playing music between 1997 and 2007? Now I compose again for other reasons. I think I found my own way and I have to explain and show all my own feelings and ideas. I think it?s really more important now, more myself.

What fascinates you in cold wave?

It?s not a fascination, a kind of way where I can express myself with my own feelings in music, arts, words, things I love, things I hate?life? And certain sounds are very present in my ear (sounds of mind?) Sounds on which I can express my thoughts with words and vocals.

Do you also like music with guitars – without Synths?

Yes of course ! I listen more music without synths than with?I try to keep it for me !

You write the lyrics in french and in english. How do you decide which language fits to the tunes?

Generally, I compose the music (or listen to the music in case of collaboration), I try in 2nd time to place the vocals without words on music. After, I write the lyrics and finally I adapt all together in the final mix. I don?t really make a choice for language, it?s the vocals feeling I have on the music. Very often in english in 2008 songs.

What is your own favourite song?

I really can’t say for my favourite song?maybe you can tell me !!!
In new songs, I really feel deep ?THE PAINTER?.

I often look at your drawings & painting on your Myspace. You paint the pictures yourself?

Yes, I painted and drew that…but it’s in
the far past (during 80’s & beginning 90’s)
I don’t paint anymore (perhaps for future!)
But I make pics with photoshop, all the pics
on the CD ?Lovely Flowers? are from me and
a graphist (svet_9) put them in the good way for the album.

Have you studied art?

No, I did by myself.
I do like great surrealist painters.
Kind of inspiration I tried to have
and I try to have too this inspiration with music and words, always now.

How many CD’s did you release as "MAY" ?

I released only one official cd (lovely flowers 200 copy).
First I played music in the period 85-97 (minimal synths).
You can see my second Myspace page May85-97- but I stopped at this
time (synths burned in fire)…
I just came back last year and produced many
new songs who are in the album with a few "old one’s"
this cd exist since beginning of july 2008,
and I did other new songs since (of course not on the cd!).

How does your music develop? Do you use real old synths, or do you create your music with a computer and software synths?

I use new synths and sequencers and I try to find and create a kind of sounds
between what I used in the 80?s and new way of sounds we can have now.
Hard choices sometimes !

You always works on new songs. When have you got enough songs together- for the next CD?

Yes, we work hard and quick !!!
Perhaps something for second part of 2009…we hope !

"We"? With whom do you co-operate?

I work with FEMME FATALE, many new tracks these last months
(The Painter, Minimal Life, Dance on Fire) FF plays music and I write
lyrics and sing. I play too other collaborations with [audible] and
TEAM SKEME (Addict, Automates)

How do you co-operate? In a studio or online?

We work essentially online with files exchanges, very good feelings with them.

Did you sometimes play gigs?

No…I don’t (perhaps? hope for future!),
I’m lonely for composing my music,
and for gigs there is the show-need…
(i can’t do that with only singing!)
My music is composed with synth sequences.
Not really expressive as playing guitar, bass, drums…
But these last months, I did collaborations
with FEMME FATALE, [audible] and Team Skeme…why not to
imagine that for the future if the feeling between us is good.
In my first period, I played little gigs in
my town (Reims) in clubs…but it was the 80’s….
another time

Do you sometimes visit gigs?

Yes I go, not so often but as I can !
nothing interesting always in my town
just an exception : I saw FRUSTRATION in Reims
2,5 years ago…great!!!
need to go in Paris or Lille for good gigs,
The last I saw were Charles de Goal, Guerre Froide,
No Tears, Clair Obscur, De Volanges, And Also The Trees,
Skeletal Family…and I hope to see again Clair Obscur
in Paris. For me the greatest coldwave
group from france since beginning of 80’s

Did the 80’s please you better than today’s time?

I don?t know?yes I really liked that period. But many new and other things can be done now, we have to live in the present and always try to create !

How was your dream last night?

Don’t remember haha !
Probably no dreams or volatil one’s

Don’t forget your dreams from tonight. Maybe it?s good stuff for new songlyrics.

Yes I’ll try to !!! Good idea for lyrics,
but I?m always frenzy when I compose music,
vocals or write lyrics….I will need…
crazyfrenzy dreams hahaha

Thank you MAY

The interview was taken with MAY by Martina Peitz

Weblink: MAYspace

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